
A Medication Error Is Inevitable, Learn To Admit And Remedy It

A Medication Error Is Inevitable, Learn To Admit And Remedy It

It was very hard for me to admit my first medication error,billige MBT Schuhe, made right out of nursing school. I had done everything right,mbt schuhe günstig, triple checking MARS,hogan, orders and labels. And one day, I missed one. When I found out, I didn't want to admit to it. The mistake was three days old by then anyway. It was such a minor error that it made no difference to my patient's well-being.

You should know that preservation of self-image is part of human nature,scarpe hogan, so we are tempted to hide our goof ups whenever we can. I couldn't be different,billige MBT Schuhe, so my first thought was to not reporting and cover it every way I could think of. I didn't want to admit the mistake. I was afraid of what would happen to me. But ultimately,hogan vendita, I had to come clean.

The doctor and my head nurse reamed me for the error on principle. I was deeply embarrassed and miserable. But finally I realized that we cannot be 100% sure we are doing the right thing every We are human beings,mbt zum Verkauf, we are already nervous enough and it is very easy to make a mistake, harmless or not. And I was right choosing to report it. The best thing that had changed since my first error was the way I saw myself. It was easier to admit and remedy my mistakes after that. Related articles:

