
The Ability to Find Balance

The Ability to Find Balance

We live in an action-oriented world,hogan vendita! "Doing" is a part of our everyday life. We find ourselves running to and fro and we are never really able to find any sense of balance in our lives. If you are anything like me,Mbt Schuhe Haraka, there are times that I say to myself, "There is never enough time in the day" to get all the things that I need to get done, done. With the demands of work,MBT Shuguli Schuhe, running a business and family, things can become unraveled in an instant. You can find yourself running on overload and losing sight of what the real objective is; having a balanced life. I took the time to look up the word "balance" and found out its true meaning. The Webster dictionary showed about four different definitions.

What I found interesting was, one of the meanings stated that it meant, "Mental steadiness or emotional stability,billige MBT Schuhe, habit of calm behavior and judgment." With that being said, it reminded me of a story told in Genesis chapter 2:2-3; "On the seventh day, having finished all his task, God rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when He rested from His work of creation." Somewhere along the way, we've been told that if we rest, somehow that equals being lazy or unproductive. We must give ourselves permission to rest in order to find true balance. God, Himself, is far from lazy and He ordained a day of rest. "God blessed His day of rest and called it holy."

There's a profound "freedom" in resting. Just as God created us in His image and likeness, we also have that ability to find freedom to rest. In resting, we are able to become mentally steady and emotionally stable with a sense of calmness so that we are able to make sound judgments in our lives. We can only really find this in our ability to find the rest for ourselves,MBT Kisumu 2 Sandale, especially since finding calmness and emotional and spiritual well-being can be so elusive. Yet,MBT Schuhe Amali, God, Himself, demonstrated that rest is appropriate and right. If God Himself rested from His work, then we should not become amazed that we, too, need time to rest. Resting is God's way of recharging our batteries and allowing us to commune with our divine self. All of the gifts and abilities that God has given us need time to rejuvenate. It's in this time of rest that God refreshes us so we can continue to share with the world our amazing creativity that we all possess. If you are unable to take a day to rest, then you should find time throughout your day to recharge your mind, body and spirit. If your day becomes filled with frustration and things seem to come unglued, find a quiet place and take time to relax.

Everyday, I find the time to have my "Hour of Power,Mbt Schuhe Wingu," which is where I just sit still and rest myself. Taking the time to find rest can really put life into prospective. Take the time to be still and rest. In Psalms 46:10, it says, "Be still and know that I am God." In stillness, we can truly find rest and real balance for our lives. Believe me; you'll be glad you did!Related articles:

