
Accelerate the building of wenzhou footwear and other overseas business park

Accelerate the building of wenzhou footwear and other overseas business park,Mbt Schuhe Haraka

China and Central American countries signed the first free trade agreement package - "China - Costa Rica Free Trade Agreement" signed in Beijing recently, this evening, Wenzhou, venture capital firms that Wagner was held in Wenzhou, Wagner - Costa Rica Industrial Park in China products launch, for domestic enterprises to Costa Rica and Central America to provide investment and financing services market in Wenzhou Hua Gexin The company also set up with security.

Post-crisis era of private enterprises in Wenzhou using the opportunities the global industrial restructuring,MBT Tariki Schuhe, accelerate the transfer of industry, to seize the overseas markets. Currently, the government approved the "going out" of Wenzhou enterprises and institutions had reached 575,Mbt Sandalen Swala, in over 67 countries and regions. In addition to more than 100 Chinese mall outside of Wenzhou private enterprises have been established five national and provincial economic and trade cooperation zones.

Wagner - Costa Rica Industrial Park is China's products in Mainland China first established in Costa Rica Industrial Park. Wagner Wenzhou founding partner of venture capital firms Chenyue Sheng told reporters that the local market is very fit and Wenzhou products, "we pass to the investment and financing platform for SMEs can help more enterprises to go abroad warm." Enterprises in the park at the same time to provide park special investment funds and guarantee services, the practice was known as the economic and trade department of Wenzhou enterprises to go out of "innovation model."

Group led by the formation of Wenzhou Kangnai Russian Ussuriysk Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, is one of the first eight one foreign trade and economic cooperation zones. Zone covers an area of 2 square kilometers, with a total investment 2,000,MBT Imara Schuhe,000,000 yuan, to reach completion, the annual output value of 24.8 billion yuan. The first phase of the development zone area 538,100 square meters, is now 18 domestic enterprises to enter, of which 12 enterprises of Wenzhou footwear enterprises account for 15. Located in the zone for domestic small and medium enterprises a platform to enter Russia. Businesses in the region semi-finished products from the Mainland to shoes, low-tariff exports to the cooperation of the assembly process, then shoe is sold to Russia and other international markets. This profit model, can be integrated into local resources, radiation broader market.

The cooperation between China and the Russian Far East has become the region's important economic and trade cooperation projects, last year achieved sales of 158 million U.S. dollars, tax 27.8 million U.S. dollars, jumped for the first Ussuriysk city taxpayer.

Wenzhou City Mayor Zhao Yide said in the past, Wenzhou people "going out" to foreign markets and foreign institutions established mainly for the overseas investment is the development, overseas resources development, mergers and acquisitions abroad, overseas listing and financing, led by established foreign trade cooperation zone in the form, showing investment areas and globalization, investment diversification and investment diversification trend.

Last year, Wenzhou enterprises Added 47 foreign institutions, foreign investment exceeded 145 million U.S. dollars, up 96.3% jump. According to reports,Mbt Schuhe Sifa, this year, Wenzhou enterprises "going out" support funds from last year, 600 million yuan to 17.5 million yuan. Wenzhou Foreign Trade Council and the Chamber of Commerce is currently Costumes temperature outside was launched pilot commercial marketing to set up regional sales headquarters, stores or trade offices, etc.,Mbt Schuhe Meli, to expand the international market space. Wenzhou Italian business marketing point temperature is expected to start in June this year, while the United States,MBT Schuhe Amali, Turkey and other countries are also planning for the Central marketing point.

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